Thursday 16 October 2014

The Plot / Shorter version

The Pied Piper Returns- Plot

The return of the vengeful piper who once caused pain and disruption due to the wrong done against him. He has returned to confirm the myths of his achievements and haunt those who disbelief. The art behind his wrongful doings is through his mesmerizing flute. A flute which made over a hundred children follow him out of a town in broad daylight. However piper is back to relive his taunting days through his ghostly form.
In the opening Sequence:
We see the group of teenagers uncover this mysterious flute.
They chant words from a book. Do not know what they have caused.
Flashes back to the past and present of pied pipers vengeance
The credits are intertwined with each shot in an eerie way
The only way to stop their living nightmare is for all of them to be BELIEVE and to right the wrongs against him.

The genre in this plot is Ghost Horror. The narrative in this genre is based on events which occur in the past. In the plot above I have based it on an idea; which was a children's story. A ghost story which is seen as an animated ghost horror is Casper. Casper is a ghost which goes 
against all the conventions of a fearful ghost. However pied piper in the plot hasn't changed but is continuing where he has left off. These two tales contrast between one who has forgiven; also one who cannot forgive or forget.

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