Monday 1 September 2014

Movie Review - Media AS Summer Work


Divergent is an action adventure film that has a thrilling edge, which ensures the audiences engagement. The film is based on a world which is closed off and its people are in 7 different factions. Factions are concluded from their dominant nature and perceptive of the world. However in this film it portrays the ideology of Divergent’s being a danger and are hunted down.  The target audience for this film is directed towards young adults- ages which vary in their teens.  The film is created from the bestselling novel by the author Veronica Roth. Beatrice ‘Tris’ Porter is thrown with the fact that she is a Divergent, lost in who she is, and what the term ‘Divergent’ means. She meets with the daring, intriguing ‘Four’. Together they begin a journey to understand the filled with excitement, conception and tragedies. This movie is filled with moving moments that cause the audience to sympathise with Beatrice. The shots throughout the movie are consistent; the long shots present the characters distance away from the camera and shows their full surroundings. The medium close ups portrays the characters coming together and also shows intimacy. Having these detailed shots in the film creates a sense of actuality.

A tension starts to build up with the safety of the Beatrice; the question which is asked from the beginning is ‘Will she make it?’ Even with the question, Tris takes the risks by joining the fearless faction Dauntless. She goes through with brutal training just to be considered a member. Often mistaken to be weak, selfless girl by peers and mentors. The main message which is passed through is never to judge a person based on where they are from; always expect the unexpected. Throughout the film we see people who are classed as ‘Divergent’ are people filled with determination; courage, selflessness, honest and are able to face their fears. All these qualities makeup a strong leader. Something which is shone away from the faction government because not everyone possess all these qualities. However we see the purpose behind corruption is greed. Greed is a nature all human beings can fall a victim too. Portraying that the main purpose behind the Divergent’s is to stop the corruption. Overall the film ‘Divergent’ is one that not seem to stop the amazement from beginning to end. Watching this film has been a pleasant experience; from all the detail based on the novel and how it has been presented to the audience.

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