Thursday 25 September 2014

Evaluation on Preliminary Exercise- Written

Evaluation of the Preliminary Exercise-Rayaan Haji Muhumed

Draft Genre Research- Vampire

Draft-Research Project- Genre- Horror- Vampires- Rayaan Haji Muhumed

The sub-genre of vampire film began in the early 20th century through the silent films. This became well known through the deception of a creature that drinks blood. People were engaged through the different ways they came across vampires through films. A notable vampire film is the ‘Dracula’ film through the rise in attention for this film there are many modified to fit in with today’s society, the reality we live in now. This film had increased its status of vampires to co-exist and integrate in the horror section. This part of the film still remains popular as the audience influence has increased as people enjoy the surprises and the unexpected in horror films. It has influenced many films such as twilight and popular TV series – vampire diaries and the originals. However the genre has developed into the idea of vampire love. The iconography expected to see in this genre is blood; sinister looking faces; black cloaks and coffins. The conventions linked with the genre is death. The vampires are dead; in order to survive they to need have blood. This is through biting humans and sometimes can lead into killing them or turning them into the creatures they are.

Monday 1 September 2014

My Summer of Memories- Trailer

Media AS Summer Work- The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Review

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a film which brings a different element this time. The genre of this film is an action adventure. Although there are many different versions and squeals to Spiderman; it draws the audience in with the sense of adventure conveyed. Spiderman is originally based on Peter Parker and his internal battles to the double life he leads. A life which is situated onto a being lead as a normal teenager trying to graduate high school. Another life which is dedicated into saving the innocent people of his city. We are presented with how Peter Parker hides his true identity to prevent being exposed to the enemies and villains. The struggle he faces when memories of parents; moreover his father. After he stumbles across his father’s discoveries. His emotions are mixed as he is confused about his new found spider like abilities. The target audience for this film is targeted at the suitable age limit which is 12A. Indicating that this film contains mild language and intimacy and is only suitable for people which are 12 and over. However the target audience is mostly directed at people who enjoy suspense and the action.

Although this film is based on Peter Parker and his journey into being a hero; we return back to the different element included into the film. This is the return of Peter’s old friend Harry Osborne. However Harry is dying and Peter must make decision whether or not to help him. The tension rises as an unexpected tragedy occurs. Peter Parker only trusts one person with his secret- Gwen Stacy. Together the two are spiralled into a journey filled with heart-warming moments and danger. Throughout the film, there is a consistent use of long shots. This shows the character is distanced away from the camera. We are able to take in the surroundings around the character. Examples are of Spiderman swinging throughout the city. The use of medium shots indicates people coming together and intimacy. The use of close up shots were focused on certain things. All of these shots show great detail; making the film seem like a reality. Overall The Amazing Spiderman 2 is an amazing film which exceeds the audience’s expectation. Based on upon the exceptional hard work and filming to create an exciting, new and adventurous film.  

Movie Review - Media AS Summer Work


Divergent is an action adventure film that has a thrilling edge, which ensures the audiences engagement. The film is based on a world which is closed off and its people are in 7 different factions. Factions are concluded from their dominant nature and perceptive of the world. However in this film it portrays the ideology of Divergent’s being a danger and are hunted down.  The target audience for this film is directed towards young adults- ages which vary in their teens.  The film is created from the bestselling novel by the author Veronica Roth. Beatrice ‘Tris’ Porter is thrown with the fact that she is a Divergent, lost in who she is, and what the term ‘Divergent’ means. She meets with the daring, intriguing ‘Four’. Together they begin a journey to understand the filled with excitement, conception and tragedies. This movie is filled with moving moments that cause the audience to sympathise with Beatrice. The shots throughout the movie are consistent; the long shots present the characters distance away from the camera and shows their full surroundings. The medium close ups portrays the characters coming together and also shows intimacy. Having these detailed shots in the film creates a sense of actuality.

A tension starts to build up with the safety of the Beatrice; the question which is asked from the beginning is ‘Will she make it?’ Even with the question, Tris takes the risks by joining the fearless faction Dauntless. She goes through with brutal training just to be considered a member. Often mistaken to be weak, selfless girl by peers and mentors. The main message which is passed through is never to judge a person based on where they are from; always expect the unexpected. Throughout the film we see people who are classed as ‘Divergent’ are people filled with determination; courage, selflessness, honest and are able to face their fears. All these qualities makeup a strong leader. Something which is shone away from the faction government because not everyone possess all these qualities. However we see the purpose behind corruption is greed. Greed is a nature all human beings can fall a victim too. Portraying that the main purpose behind the Divergent’s is to stop the corruption. Overall the film ‘Divergent’ is one that not seem to stop the amazement from beginning to end. Watching this film has been a pleasant experience; from all the detail based on the novel and how it has been presented to the audience.

Media Definitions

Match on Action-
This allows the audience to have a greater sense of location in the scene in terms of what may be off-screen in some shots, for example in shot reverse shots. Shot reverse shot is a continuity editing technique used in conversations or simply characters looking at each other or objects.

The 180 Rule-
The 180 degree rule of shooting and editing keeps the camera on one side of the action. The camera stays on one side of the axis of action throughout a scene: this keeps characters placed on a particular side of the screen or frame, and keeps them looking at one another when the character is seen onscreen at a time. An example being two characters conversing.